Monday, February 9, 2015

60 Days Without Facebook - Days 4 & 5

February 8 - 9, 2015

By the time I reached days 4 & 5 I was feeling much less anxiety and total craziness about this whole endeavor. On the 8th I started a new job. It is the first gig I have landed on, and as far as I could tell from day 1 it's going to be nice working with this family. On my way home I stopped at the new Pho restaurant. I'm still in disbelief that there is a pho place in Winder.  Anyway, I got them to give it to me with tofu because I am still having the weird meat thing, and I think they must've thought I wanted the tofu in lieu of the noodles, because there were none.  DERP. Who eats pho without noodles?

I can't remember if I mentioned or not, but on Friday morning I flooded the bathroom. That's been an ongoing ordeal, and every day our house smells more and more like a toilet. It's so disgusting. Ugh. I still don't know how long it's going to take to get that smell gone completely. I had the bright idea to sprinkle the (still damp) carpet with baking soda. That' helped with the smell, but it clogged the hell out of the vacuum cleaner, and so now I have to figure out how to fix the vacuum AND finish cleaning up the mess.  /sigh

On Monday the kids had preschool, and that was fun for them as usual. After I picked them up I met my mom at Great Clips and we cut off all of Ben's hair. I'm still traumatized. Everyone keeps telling me how cute he is and how happy I should be, but I'm not happy. He is cute. He's the cutest little boy I've ever seen.  That's just it, though. He's a little boy. My baby is gone.

The kids got a bunch of new books this week. We finished out the What do you Hear/See collection by Eric Carle and added Animalia, Once Upon an Alphabet, Little Blue Truck Leads the Way and Goodnight Moon to our library. I love how much the kids love books.

Other than that I just spent some time getting the kids ready for their Valentine's Day festivities at school on Tuesday. I made goody bags for each child with kinetic sand, a heart necklace, a box of conversation hearts and 2 rolls of smarties. I hope the kids like them

I've been staying busier in general. Working is surely going to help. I am also remembering how much I like crossword puzzles, and have been spending some time on that. I've got a couple of books in the works, Tears and Tantrums by Aletha Solter and The Fault in Our Stars by some person I don't know the name of. The latter is turning out to be another book in a long string disappointing and badly written young adult literature, but to be fair I'm only a couple chapters in.

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